Our network map

The natural gas you use to heat your living spaces and water and possibly even cook your delicious meals comes directly to your home via the gas network. In other words, when you use natural gas, you don’t have to store any fuel, and energy is available around the clock. In order to connect your natural gas demand facility to the natural gas network, you’ll need a connection to the NBB natural gas supply network, the so-called network connection.
NBB is responsible for operating the gas distribution network in Berlin as well as large parts of the states of Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. As a network operator, we not only maintain and operate the natural gas network, but are also responsible for expanding it and providing network access as a direct service for people in the region.
Our customer connection portal will help you keep track of your request as well as monitor the progress of new connections, changes to existing ones and larger projects. Make things easier for yourself and submit your request in the customer connection portal! Simply provide us with the
in digital form and conveniently follow the process with status updates in the portal. We’ll inform you of each status update! All communication and contract-relevant documentation can be found there. That’s our service! Would you like to process multiple requests? Not a problem. You can submit multiple requests at the same time and follow each one individually. All the necessary process information can be found in the request overview.
What new customers need to know
Building and network connections are the lifelines that allow you to supply your property, so plan your connection early on to ensure it’s available when you need it. Are you interested in connecting to the natural gas network and would like to know which services NBB can offer you? Take advantage of our customer connection portal and select ‘New connection’ under ‘Transaction type’.
For our existing network customers
You’re already connected to the network and would like to alter your connection, for example, if you’re planning to build over the connection line, or would like to change the connected load or disconnect your supply. Once you’re inside our customer connection portal, select ‘Change to an existing connection’ under ‘Transaction type’.
Steps to connect to the network
Use your postcode to see if your property is located in the NBB network area. If your postcode is not listed, NBB may not be responsible for providing your network connection.
Who can help me with these?
We recommend consulting your gas fitter when filling in the request to ensure all the technical information is correct. The technical requirements and the connected load of the network connection are dependent on various factors such as the type of heating system you would like to use for your property. For example, if the connected load, which is also referred to as capacity, is too low, functional operation of your connection cannot be guaranteed later on. You can find a gas fitter, for example, using the fitter search. All the fitters listed there have the necessary authorisation to operate as an installation contractor (IC) on behalf of the NBB.What documents do I need to provide?
In addition to the request, please send us a true-to-scale site plan of the building to be supplied as well as a floor plan with the connection room labelled on the ground floor or in the basement. Please provide us with all the details regarding the desired natural gas supply, the desired location and the route of the natural gas line into the building. Based on the information you have provided, NBB will assess whether the connection is possible and discuss with you which connection variant is most suitable for your property. This assessment will also determine whether the natural gas network can accommodate the desired connected load at the location and what special measures are required to provide the network connection. Once all the technical issues have been resolved, we will provide you with quote documents for your connection to the natural gas network. - 3. OUR QUOTE DOCUMENTS ARE YOUR ORDER
What documents will I receive from NBB?
Our quote documents contain all the required contract details, the necessary legal framework and information about how to proceed. After all, there must be order: the contractual relationship is subject to the NBB general terms and conditions, the Ordinance on general conditions for net connection and its use for gas supply in low pressure (NDAV), and NBB’s supplementary conditions to the NDAV.
What do I as a customer need to do now?
By returning the signed quote documents to us, you are commissioning us to implement the network connection. We will ensure that the documents you have provided are complete and that all the property owners and/or leaseholders of the estate to be supplied with natural gas have provided their approval for connection to the network with their signature. If any signatures are missing, we will ask you to provide them. Particularly when it comes to collective ownership, for example in the case of a plot shared by several buildings or different property owners, the permission of all the owners is required.
Once all of the information is correct, we will confirm conclusion of the agreement. Please note that this confirmation is subject to any additional official permits required and, if it becomes necessary to use other private properties, the approval of those property owners.
Why is the order conditional?
For example, if both a network connection and installation of a natural gas supply line are necessary, NBB will begin planning the supply systems after order confirmation, coordinating with any other public utilities involved, and, if necessary, obtain the required permits and approval. If any other private, state-owned or public properties need to be used for pipeline installation, NBB will, on behalf of the network owner, assess the security of the pipeline easements for permanent use and, if necessary, conclude the right-of-way agreements. However, in individual cases, third parties may refuse NBB use of the property, or official authorisation may not be granted or only granted with restrictions.
In cases like these, NBB will consider alternative pipeline routes, taking into account economic interests. If no alternative pipeline route exists or if we cannot come to an agreement with the property owners or obtain official approval, unfortunately NBB will be unable to fulfil the order and provide a network connection. - 4. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION
Order placement:
After receipt and processing of your order, we will provide you with an order confirmation in writing, which will outline how to proceed. Please note that NBB may need to acquire permits from the competent road, green-space and civil engineering authorities as well as the approval of other owners of private properties which will need to be used. If NBB has to expand or reinforce the distribution network (installation of supply lines on a public road), all the public utilities affected will need to be involved in the planning. It may take several weeks to acquire permits and plan public supply line systems. We’ll be happy to make an effort to meet your desired deadline, taking into account the current situation. Schedule coordination and preparation. After the planning stage and, if applicable, the permit process, the contracted pipeline construction company (PCC) will provide you with a separate letter about schedule coordination. We ask that you coordinate the schedule directly with the PCC straightaway. Please note that appointments during the winter months can only be provided on a provisional basis due to weather.
Your responsibilities in advance:
The following tasks need to be assessed and/or completed by the network customer before construction begins: The route needs to be cleared entirely and the property connection point (basement/floor slab) freely accessible. There must be no scaffolding, containers, material storage or the like on the pipeline route which could get in the way of the work.
Connections for new buildings without basement (floor slab):
For new buildings without basement (floor slab), an empty pipe bend for natural gas, including precise installation instructions, can be provided free of charge, but requires agreement by phone with the contracted PCC in advance. When installing this empty pipe bend, the corresponding instructions must be observed. Alternatively, the customer can have a certified single or multi-line building connection installed in the floor slab. NBB recommends the building packages of companies Hauff and Doyma.
Connections for new buildings with basement:
For new buildings with basement, please inform the contracted PCC whether the media should be installed in a single or multi-line building connection prepared by the customer or an annular seal already installed by the customer. Annular seals are necessary if there is increased requirement for protection against water penetration (water exposure classes in accordance with the DIN 18533 standard). This requirement is defined by your architects or your construction company.
Connections for existing buildings:
For existing buildings, a combined property connection is usually installed by drilling a core through the brickwork, with the PCC responsible for sealing the annular space.
General instructions for construction:
NBB, or a PCC contracted by NBB, usually installs network connections with open-cut construction (pipe trenches). Trenchless installation is only possible in individual cases and requires assessment of local conditions in advance. There is no legal entitlement to trenchless installation of the network connection. The decision regarding trenchless installation is always made on-site, subject to the final assessment provided by the contracted PCC.
The following conditions must also be met:
There are no pieces of wall, rubble/debris or other large obstacles below the building or in the way of the planned pipeline route. There are no load-bearing foundations, media lines (e.g. information, electricity or water lines) or tree roots along the route. ZAPPO technology can be used provided the building connection is not required to fulfil water exposure requirements in accordance with the DIN 18533 standard and the connection is located in a basement room which is covered above by the building or parts of the building on all sides (e.g. a room in the centre of the basement).
Construction with ZAPPO technology:
The contracted company makes the decision about using this special construction on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with NBB. Through the opening created, a protection duct can be inserted along a predefined route through the ground up to the property border using a pneumatically driven soil displacement hammer and then sealed permanently following installation of the gas pipeline at the location of building entry. This process is only authorised for natural gas network connection lines which do not exceed a nominal diameter of DN25/d32. But construction with ZAPPO technology first requires an additional agreement in which the network customer indemnifies the PCC against liability for direct damages and consequential damages which could occur due to erroneous or incorrect information.
Instructions for operating the connection line:
Construction above natural gas network connections and the planting of trees or deep-rooted plants along the route within a protective strip of 2 m (from the centre line of the connection line) are not permitted. The route needs to remain accessible at all times for any maintenance or repairs that may be required. - 5. COMMISSIONING
At what point can the network connection with natural gas be used?
The gas fitter you have contracted will need to submit a commissioning application to NBB for the provision of the appropriate gas meter. In this application, the fitter indicates the nominal heat input and confirms that the gas system they have installed complies with the applicable technology regulations and is functional and that the approval of the district pipeline technician has been acquired. The size of the gas meter is selected on the basis of the requirements specified by the fitter.
Further information and our contact details
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